
Desura was the indie Steam basically, yeah.  No one knows what happened to Desura, it just one day went offline with no warning.  The gamestop thing was what happened with the Stardock gaming store.

I felt this confident about my Desura and Stardock libraries.  Another reason I dont like GameStop.

Is anyone really surprised that Kanye hates receiving information, and only likes to dispense it?

This is because 3 was supposed to definitively end the meta-narrative and the entire series.  It was written out and everything, but then it was decided that the series would be keep going and going so they had to write in the “Yes, but also...” ending of all the ancient data ghosts waking up and doing their thing.

I was kinda hoping to find out what an “intimacy coordinator” is and does, and HOW that helped her.

Which I always figured it detected by noticing clock differences.  I might be pulling that from other systems that use that to detect save tampering/failing.

I feel like an interesting take on this would be setting a game back in the “Ancients” time. That tech is extremely glowy and futuristic.  Setting the game further in the “actual future” gets hard because a world thats been weathering Ancient Data Ghost Apocalypses for long enough to be “the high tech future” would

I wonder if they have a Mr Resetti analogue for that.

Raditz flicked a bullet with more speed and power than the gun that shot it at him.

The details make it seem like the London department has some anti-trans sentiment floating in its bowl.

Yes, it sucks that youre able to spend THAT MUCH MONEY via transactions.  On the other hand, you paid to put yourself immediately in Ultra Platinum league, and now you have to wait for everyone else to filter upward through all the leagues you skipped.

“Solo session” is different than a “closed session” within the coding, it actually removes even more features than old closed sessions used to.  Just do an “invite only” session and that is now effectively solo as long as you dont invite anyone, and you will get access to EVERYTHING.

I knew about it, cause I saw the categories in my profile and was like “oh, neato” but then I had no idea how to actually, you know, access that system for other people.

“All Im saying, is that if there WERE a knife involved, and he WERE to accidentally fall on it 15 times, it would be totally his fault and I would not be involved in any way.  This is not a threat, we’re just talking.”

Hey, at least it wasnt a four paragraph hostile rant about capitalism because a game has a merchant in it or something for once.

It DID require rando online people, because you needed to be in a public lobby for a lot of it.  This change looks like its gonna allow you to do everything alone.  Which will be doable, but slower, especially if you try to do a high-return delivery mission that spawns like 3 cars, and you dont have time to deliver

Professional smash players continuing to be super cool dudes.

The Kardashians are Armenian.

He is part of the season pass of 2k22 so there.

This makes me think a little bit of Inside a Star Filled Sky, except thats not a puzzle game, its a shooter.