
If I remember correctly, Gackt actually had a hand in designing Genesis, so he has partial claim to the character or something.  Thats where the complicated Japanese legal system comes in.

This will most likely never happen because of Gackts involvement with Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core.  Anything that uses Genesis has to involve Gackt and the complicated Japanese legal system.

well, its been said that the Desmond thing WAS leading up to have 3 or 4 be the LAST game, set in the present, tearing down abstergo for good. But then the “yearly game forever” order came down and they had to just kind of throw up their hands, say fuck it and kill off all their characters, and its now kind of

Heres a big tip for you people:

I feel like this is a good place to remind people that in these days of isolation, there exists Tabletop Simulator.  Some of these games are even on there.

wai-wai-wait, youre telling me that Tesla is essentially treating these “actual features” of the car as something more like a Sirius XM subscription that belongs to specific users and not the car?  Thats not a great road to be going down for anyone.

No, this was before the handsome collection existed.  The handsome collection coming out is actually when everyone lost their free version of 2.

i got borderlands 2 free on xbox gold, and then later, after putting a lot of time in it, they actually revoked it for everyone. It was some hot BS.

Im reminded of the movie Road to Perdition.  That character felt so incredibly violating for something that you wouldn’t quite think of being that way.  I so wanted something to stop it before he got the picture.

Well it already released those demos and they were pretty solid.  The time between beta demo and release would probably be shorter than with Nioh 1, since that length was due to feedback concerns.  With that in mind, its probably right on schedule.

I remember how weird i felt that day i opened up the Switch storefront, and it was all the free to play games from the app store, except they all cost 10 dollars or more for some reason.

Hopefully the AEW game will come out relatively soon, and then there will finally be competition in the genre again and devs will get out of their pit.

thats some Cyberpunk level DRM.  The copy protection just straight up kills you.

The xbox series X.  Because fuck everyone’s horizontally spaced table cabinets.

The heists WERE the singleplayer DLC originally.  They changed it to be multiplayer when they decided that would be their focus moving forward.

I feel like the cats arent reacting to the image so much as they dont like being held.  The fact that many of them look back, in real life, at the clearly human face, and still attack it, seems like its own kind of reaction.

It was really unfortunate this got so many comparisons with Overwatch, when the two games are not alike at all. The only similarity is “some of the people have guns in both of these and fight in first person.”

Yeah, a “wound system” that only kicks in three bullets before you actually die, thus resetting your health anyway, might as well not exist.

Based on how faithful this new sonic looks, I have a very strong feeling the original look was forced upon the artists by some of that really stupid “Americans dont understand or like Japanese asthetics or humor, so make it super ‘western looking” stuff that Japanese execs cant seem to get over.

This is not surprising seeing as how Ryu can also dodge bullets within a 5 foot radius.