
You know what this guy needs?..............more kids....

I had a 98 gtp and i miss that eaton scream lol.

The ass of the guy on the right....daaaaaaamn!!!

Doesn’t the Note4 shoot 4k as well?

Jaundiced headlights?

Ohhh do fuck right off Kim. Telling you to sit down and put some clothes on is not the definition of body shaming....the nerve....and COINCIDENTALLY on womans day..hmmmmm. She is so transparent...


Firsr thing i noticed too. V6.

Put that bitch in jail....

Heres what happened: Trump got word that there was a large group a black people in thr audience. He thought they were a group of BLM protesters so he had them thrown out immediately.....any questions? Trump is a piece a crap but we already knew that.

And yet....shes a Republican....stupid bitch....

Welcome to the world of unprepared parents who despite knowing of their childs severe allergies, do not carry an epi pen....

How about fuck the kids parents for not planning for this. If your kid has an allergy that severe where is his epi pen? Sure the people clspping were assholes, but they were probably upset about missing their connection over an unprepared parent.

Who gives a FUCK?!?!!! (There i finally said it)


HAHAHA! Awesome

And just like all the Democratic debates, they will never publicize the time/network they actaully air.

I already watch this show, its called “High School USA” lol

God, that 3000 is a thing of beauty.

MKIV VWS, all crayons all the time. Something about the glue used in the carpets. I kinda liked it.