
I think you’re exaggerating. I’ve been to DC lots of times and I’ve never been able to find a street parking place downtown.

Now playing

I learned that animals have that ability from Pop-Up Video.

Your dad’s an idiot.

“Ah, a tasty morsel.”

Seems that cats instinctively freeze when they see the eyes of their prey. Even small prey can fly or run away, so I don’t imagine it has anything to do with fear of the prey, just maximizing the chances of capturing it. Still it is odd how passive they get when the person just turns around.

I'm more surprised that a 2 year old can stop a lion in its tracks just by looking at him.

Nice try, Tiger.

This is not an appropriate comment for Deadspin. Only haters and bad pun makers allowed.

Tiger wasn’t a miserable prick. He was a good, fun loving athlete who helped a lot of kids. He cheated on his wife, and that has become and unforgivable sin on par with a rape allegation?

How long ‘till you’re flexible enough to take on a Waffle House waitress?

Bet that’s the first time a pro has dropped a duece from there.

And the only time I’ve found Gwynneth Paltrow truly hot. No pun intended.

Comedian: “..and I say to him, ‘Put that thing back in the box!’.”

I mean, I get it. Liberte Chan strutting around in a cocktail dress is the last thing you want to see after a night of adulterated cocaine and staring down a half-written screenplay.

just wait till Apple come up with this idea

how comfortable are they on your wrist?

The projected number pad makes me hope that you will then be able to hold your thumb and pinky out in the “call me” gesture and use your hand as the phone. I’m pretty sure somebody has built these as gloves but a little implanted speaker and microphone that paired to your watch would be way “cooler”.

I jumped on the one that hijacks the optic nerve itself. No need to actually project something, just going to augment your reality.

Yes, this is exactly the same thing, well done.