
I’ve read that reaction times don’t improve with practice. What can improve is anticipation, which is one of the things that makes pro gamers so great. They get good at baits and reads and it seems like sheer reaction, but it isn’t.

You're probably right, but for $100 she'll tell you anything you want to hear.

As vehemently pro-choice I am, I think that criticism is somewhat unfair. The way they see it, a fetus is a baby - and babies are innocent. People who are on death row are violent murderers, and not innocent.

Seriously? You think that Hillary would bother with anything less than $100? Bernie, on the other hand...

Bill and Hillary could catch that money all the way from across the room.

I mean, he’s right, isn’t he? Regardless of where you stand, you all know we’re supposed to be keeping track of our online sales and reporting them on our tax returns, right? I enjoy “no sales tax” on Amazon purchases as much as the next guy, we all do, but Trump’s is actually correct with what he’s saying. Amazon is

If he had a (D) by his name you partisan hacks would be swooning. 80% of what Trump says is essentially what Democrats have been saying for the past 16 years. Rebuild infrastructure, stop wasting money overseas on nations that can defend themselves, stop trying to nation build, protect our veterans. “Help our farmers,

Can’t wait to watch you liberal bed-wetters spend 8 years crying over Trump as president. Might be the most fun from a Presidency yet!

No, not the celica convertible but The celica all-trac will go up in price. If you can find one.

Hold your tongue, it’s just as gorgeous as this 1995 Chevy Cavalier convertible in econobox red.

Just saw a convertible 5.0 Fox body go for $22k on the televised Barrett-Jackson auction. I was like, uh, wait, what?! But yeah, if you were in high school when the Vanilla Ice version came out, you’re 40 and divorced now.

Honda CRX. Bone stock, with no rust in the rear wheel wells. Good luck.

I want all the revs! S2000 forever!

Every J.J. Abrams movie needs extra material to explain them, because he does not give a shit about plot.

The red arm thing was stupid, it reminded me of Speilberg’s red balloon. “Oh you’re probably wondering why I have a red arm.” Major fail when you have to have the character tell it instead of just letting it be.

How did I do so poorly at life? Or, how did you not?

It’s why I don’t like to go any where on vacation because I just end up losing sleep or stressing out and get more rest and relaxation just staying home and trying to do as little as possible.

Can someone get this man a no sense of humor friendly comment?

Yeah, implausible as it seems, I think this is what the makers of the show always intended. But in real-world physics it’s a problematic scenario.
