
According to the latest poll 43% of likely voters are Trump supporters. You meanwhile, support corporate owned life destroying, pandering politician scum.

Well, that is what makes us who we are.

I’m taking wagers on the DNC convention being a shit show and the RNS convention being the most televised event in history.

I would suggest they are taking after the American press which ignores so much it is mind boggling.

You gonna tell us how we stop gang bangers from carrying guns in Chicago? Because that is the question, it involved no legality at all and “no more guns” is about as lame an answer as you can give.

Time to pass even more gun regulation in Chicago to stop this gun (gang) violence in Chicago.

Who are these “sides”?

So now “Republican” and “liberal” are the two sides of the same coin?

This picture has so many elements of intrigue.

HAHAHAHA. What the fuck, nice.

Black Leather after April is quite the faux pax

LOL. Unfortunately they don’t have a sense of humor.

It enhanced the tension!

Huh. You are aware no one gives a shit right?

Is that a wax reproduction of her decapitation?

I love the cb1000! So expensive for the new one :(

Your historical area in the city is terrifying on a cloudy day.

It’s time for someone to prank this sucker back. Troll war commencing!

This is fascinating and a wonderful benefit from the coordinated efforts of EU-US Space observation.

Oh yeah? You have stats for that (not counting some crap you read 8 months ago on Mother Jones/HuffPo)