
After having my cat stolen from me by a Mao-hat wearing fixie rider who then called The Humane Society on me for abusing the cat he stole from us, I never watched Portlandia again; to me, it is a chilling documentary.


But afterwords we could snare jars of free range pickles from the docks.

Seeing the Columbia back up into the city would be something else, however.

This may make our Portlandia grown, triple anti-GMO certified, farm raised pickles so much more difficult to get to.

It’s like when I told people in California that I lived in Seattle and they kept asking me about the ocean beaches. People have a weird conception of what the PNW is, I think.

Living in Portland - that header image makes me laugh hard.

Their Toscana soup is fucking amazing though.

Agreed - Or who doesnt intentionally call Fuddruckers, “Ruddfuckers”.

Have you been to Golden Coral? It’s worse than prison food.

The breadsticks alone put them at least in the middle of the pack.

I would rather collect unemployment than write for any Gawker site.

In all fairness, and not to get all CSI, but the monitor doesn’t even appear to be on in this shot. Note the lack of a glow on Matt Damon’s dreamy face, or in the reflection behind him. #wakeupsheeple

I hate Trump but completely agree. This article is ridiculous. Would the author also suggest that Obama can’t discuss guns because he hasn’t been seen using one?

Gawker is in full obsess about Trump/make Trump not hip mode. A few weeks ago the pages were covered in Sanders stuff because they thought he may ha have a chance. Now, it’s full anti-Trump propaganda. It’s the left-wing version of Drudge except Drudge doesn’t solely obsess over Clinton.

They’re becoming more afraid of reality by the day... it’s just going to get worse between now and November.

Yea I don’t mean pieces finding their way to shores, I mean finding pieces way in land like one piece in the middle of Mongolia and the other in the jungle of the Amazon.

This is the most desperate, misinformed article I have ever read. You should be ashamed of yourself for writing such an asinine piece. You even admit in your article that you’re too lazy to do any real research. Does Bernie Sanders use a computer? Does Matt Damon?!? Prove it! Where are the photos?!?!?!

Whoops, I didn’t read that very closely, appaerntly. Ok, then where do supermassive black holes come from? Supermassive clusters of supermassive stars or???

I’m still waiting for my pallet of lithium batteries. If it doesn’t show up soon, I’ll need to file an insurance claim against the airline for losing my cargo.