
I was parsing Jack’s words and being very semantic due to the insulting tone of his reply. “remotely rational”? Define what that means, but it is a subjective phrase and the OP appeared very curious and also rational, despite the inaccurate concern about the autism link. Jack was arguing about the safety of vaccines

As is yours. Just as some percentage of every car will have something defective on it, so too will every run of vaccines. My wife works in bio-tech and works with pharmaceutical companies as they’re testing their releases of specific types of vaccines (among other things. They’re trying to get their product past the

No, it just goes to show that even extraordinarily intelligent people like Ben Carson are susceptible to magical thinking. I’ll wager you are too - there are areas of thought where you will reflexively believe what you want to believe, evidence be damned. We’re all that way to some degree.

It doesn’t fit the agenda of GOP bashing though.

I am not looking to start a war here but I, I dont know. I almost wish people could be more objective than this but I don’t think they can. And I think that is probably for the good, but still, its why this is an issue.

Exactly this. Dr. Carson said vaccines that prevent death or crippling are very important. The CDC recommends vaccines that prevent death or crippling. Those two positions are in agreement.

Sure, if you want to read it like that. To me, this statement

Quite frankly, I’d lean towards what a microbiologist has to say about vaccines compared to a surgeon, but I’m befuddled by the quotes from Dr. Carson as they don’t seem to be making the claims Ms. Stone refutes. The first quote does not contradict the CDC quote at all.

As a counter-point to all this.. there are known side-effects with vaccines and several are so recent that its impossible to know any long term effects, hence the continuous monitoring by the CDC. I remember the rage about Gardisil a few years back because of some isolated, probably-unrelated, severe reactions.

Welcome to “Leftmodo.” They haven’t changed the URL yet.

Out of curiosity, which field are you in that doesn’t contain people with vastly more prestige than skill? I’d love a field like that.

I can’t honestly think of a single time when I was thinking “Goddamn I wish I could double the size of my screen for XYZ”

Japanese version: “Hello! How may I assist you in an efficient manner this fine and productive morning?”

You wouldn’t know it from visiting the Timex website. Talk about the lack of marketing sense.

Through my own hard-hitting investigative journalism (which involved clicking the image at the product link), the MSRP is $125 or $150, depending on the finish.

This is exactly what I’ve been wanting. A normal watch, with basic FitBit-like features built in.

I think there’s pretty strong evidence that he existed, but the exact details are certainly more a matter of faith.

Humans are the fig tree and they should be ready to bear their fruit (their righteousness) whenever the Lord demands. A lot of his parables deal with preparing yourself to meet the Lord — seeking forgiveness and then remaining sin free, granting mercy to others so that they themselves will be granted mercy when they

Another outstanding article Rob. May I play the Devil’s Christ’s advocate

Read a few verses down in that same chapter where Jesus explains why he did it. Verses 20-25. The lesson may not make any sense or be believed, but he actually explains why he did it.