
If you asked the general public what a Ferrari looked liked, the Testarossa would be it. Sleak, wedge-shaped, not too many, but some frills, and of course, red. The quintessential Ferrari.

Agree so much. This was my favorite Ferrari as a child. I liked it even more than the F40. Even the name "Testarossa" sounded so alluring and exotic.

With that Mustang II as a pursuit vehicle, they must have been approaching speeds of 3!

First night Beer w/reefer, Second night Vodka w/juice and reefer, Third night reefer.

That red car kept getting in the way of all my Mustang II p0rn.

A Testarossa driver always runs on cocaine. The car itself runs on New Coke.

You misspelled sexiest. That being said, if this car was any more 80s it would run on cocaine.

Evading a Mustang II?! What a machine!

If wine in a can sounds like fiction, that's because it is! Fiction wine made by Field Recordings is a solid California red that can be found in cans. I've taken these with me camping, and to the beach, where glass is a big no-no.

Flask of Old Overholt Rye. Weed.

Or just man up and carry the beer. My friend and I managed to squeeze 8 beers each into our backpacks for an overnighter. Just cram cans in every nook and cranny in your pack, and think about how light your pack will be on the way home!

Definitely weed.

I think I have a better solution, at least for those who like to drink bud. Drink as much water as possible before you start your hike and when you stop for the day/night piss into an empty bottle. Drink. Enjoy.

A pint of Ronrico 151 rum. It's like concentrated evil. But really, think about it. It's only a pint (not heavy or taking up a lot of room), with the alcohol of a case of beer. You can dilute (mix) it with water, Gatorade, coffee, whatever. Good fire starter (in a pinch). Disinfectant. Doesn't need to be kept cold.

Because flying is thirsty work, obviously. Did you know they also get to have moustaches?

I grow my own weed. (Colorado) So I just make some nice hash wax to bring for the long trips. If it's just a day trip I'll eat a big ass pot brownie and then be good for the day. I've been known to fill a camel pack whatever beers on tap in my garage. Hiking 14'ers is much funner that way!

never head into the woods without weed and whiskey.

151 proof rum or Everclear.


Shit. That makes me dizzy.