
“Being alive is just a fluke of the way our atoms happened to line up and miraculously gave us consciousness.”

Get a Sony screen protector for the LCD screen, $9.99 on Amazon.

The Fusion is an unfortunately inside out interior and overpowered engine with a weak sauce transmission and great looks.

Awesome sauce. The original was amazing because you could use adapted lenses manually and enjoy the affordable Tamron miracle lenses.

I always hate hiking in the wilderness, that moment at night when you are still and hanging in your hammock and the completely silent forest suddenly comes alive with footsteps. And tree snaps. And coyote howls.

I was thinking a similar thought, other than hunting or evading the enemy/authoritahs..this is a recipe for death by bear or cougar or wolf.

How sad so many people do not understand that we DO NOT HAVE AN OVERPOPULATION PROBLEM.

Well, buy an archive. Bill W was a HUGE fan of Shultz.

Um...having read many books on the mans life and lived through 2/3rds of the strip.

charles Shultz dad was a Barber too..mind = blown?

hahahaha! You guys are dumb this is funny!


The Harry Reid Reason.

Would you rather a Chinese or Russian robot kill you?


there are a few in England many more on the Continent.

What the do realize the history of Universities was Fraternities? Like, THAT was a requirement in ye Olde days? In fact most men (no women allowed) were in some sort of Fraternity outside of any education system.

These are some really nice vacation homes it seems.

SV650s Pimpin’