
You think you can pay off a $750 phone in two years for $20 a month?

Yes, they give you a discount between 15 and 25 per month after the payoff.

Coolest of the cools. Thanks!

Well Fuck you too, you aesthetically disturbed fuckhead. May all the fucks you give come back to you in one giant fuck of your ass for all eternity. As for voodoo, I curse people like you with life, voodoo is for fucking children. Life, may it fuck you.

There are sevela boutique and affordable ULTRALIGHT TArp shops..Arrowhammocks being one.

First of all...the tarps are a separate issue from these shelters.

This is trash. What’s wrong with you?

they called it Tuesday.

You let your 8 and 11 year old sons peruse YouTube?

Well, perhaps “they” should speak on the issue and swear they didn’t do it.

Earth Logic huh.

If they are millionaires from Youtube the world is fucking insane.

Like SimCity.

That may be the funniest thing I have ever seen. You rule the internets tonight.

Amazing how innocent the first video makes it.

Well, perhaps not a millionaire, but certainly $1000 a month in excess net salary between fuel/insurance and loan payments. Unless you are in the automotive business and use it as a company car, or live in sunny wherever, that is a ridiculously impractical ride for commuting.

As an Australian...probably you are not one.

Blah Blah Blah..Soviet Union.

You are not wrong.

Cannot toast..therefore garbage.

Cannot toast..therefore garbage.