She has always told us who she is and has laid out her plans in great detail, and she has not deviated from her messaging since she announced. So as far as I can tell, she’s always been pretty forthright.
She has always told us who she is and has laid out her plans in great detail, and she has not deviated from her messaging since she announced. So as far as I can tell, she’s always been pretty forthright.
“When you’re put in circumstances that are questionable or negative or you don’t want to be in or you think this is the only way that I’m going to get the job, we know that that’s ridiculous.”
An armchair psychologist would say she sounds like someone who had a bad experience, blames herself for it and projects that blame on to others as a defence mechanism so that the self-blame won’t destroy her
The unspoken part of these arguments is that it makes all men out to be assholes. If you honestly believe in the “You went to a guy’s hotel room, what did you expect?” you’re admitting that a) you think the victim is an idiot and b) all men are devious predators.
I lock the bedroom door to keep the apples out.
“‘There’s a dweeby beta-male quotient at the Post. They’re not openly macho,’ a female staffer said. There’s an understated respectability that is secretly pernicious and sexist operating in that place.’”
Yes. It’s a disgrace.
That’s my take. Why apologize to people who will never like you while alienating your supporters?
I’m the furthest thing from religious, but I don’t really understand why they apologized....isn’t religion all about believing stupid shit like this?
Yet another reason life in prison without the possibility of parole is superior to a death sentence.
Honestly, me too. The have morbidly obese people Box Jumping in the ads for ffs... Box Jumping... I weigh 200 lbs, athletic and I don’t box jump because its tough on my knees and ankles. I can only imagine what an obese person feels like while doing it.
I'm surprised no one has died on this show
I still get angry when this comes up, especially in the same conversation as Friends. I cannot overstate how important and amazing Living Single was to woc like me everywhere when it came out, and it just got better and funnier and edgier. All the episodes are on Hulu, ladies! It’s worth the monthly fee alone (of…
Thank you. We are not human shields for the less stigmatised members of the community.
Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.
“Too soon” means “never”.
Thank you. For a reporter to be punished by a purported news organization for accurately pointing out that he was very credibly accused of rape, is fucking insane.
Read The Book of Unknown Americans instead. Incredible.
As a non-American, I had to smile at your comment because it’s such an American way of viewing the issue. Whether from the left or the right, it always comes down to money. The article and a lot of the author’s critics make the point that she’s profiting from Mexicans’ pain, and your proposed remedy is that the…