this would have been a 10,000-times better marketing gambit. If Jack in the Box can handle it, it can't be that hard.
this would have been a 10,000-times better marketing gambit. If Jack in the Box can handle it, it can't be that hard.
I'm not a mom, so I can only try to imagine how rage inducing it would be to have people behave as if your pregnant/lactating/baby-toting physical self somehow is, in any way, their business. This perception that a reproducing woman is somehow communal property is dehumanizing. Mind your GD beeswax!
pretty good. I would make it again except I would use only legs and thighs, not the whole chicken. The white meat dried out from cooking for so long.
I'm starting to wonder if Preserve isn't actually a diabolical marketing campaign for Goop, because more and more I am hearing all the people who loved to hate on Goop (myself included) acknowledge that at least they have their shit together. I actually made Goop's cinnamon chicken recipe!
Great, thanks. Now I have to be Team Megyn? God DAMMIT.
He sure did. Even though it's miles apart in subject matter, you can totally hear the same voice in his rant in the AV Club comments on the review of Slimed.
A medical ethicist I used to work with had a great thought experiment for people who like to talk about personhood for fertilized eggs. He would ask them if a room containing a freezer full of thousands of fertilized eggs and a live human infant were on fire, and they could only save one - the freezer or the baby -…
I would actually be surprised if Kanye's reaction to the hacked nudes had been anything other than concern about brand preservation.
This is exactly the right response. And it should be delivered to everyone pitching a fit about the VMAs or what have you. I agree with her basic argument that we send fucked up messages about how women are supposed to act and look, but she gets uncomfortably close to telling everyone that her way is THE way (which I…
"or whatever your deal is" really leaves a lot to the imagination
Dammit, that's not what I wanted to hear :(
This is some much needed good PR for the Greek system. The North American Interfraternity Conference should should promote the hell out of it.
That, to me, is the worst thing about living in LA - not the traffic, but the corollary: that it's really hard to get anywhere by foot.
Okay, I'll purchase your diet book.
I'm using myfitnesspal to keep track of calories consumed/burned and it really makes you aware of how very many calories are in food and how much work you have to do to counter them.
Even one nickel is too many in this scenario.
12,000 steps = about six miles. There is no way I have time to walk six miles a day just to justify drinking two sodas.
I'm curious (and okay, I should probably go read the study, but if someone handy already knows...) about the point that this is just what's reported and the real stat is higher. Does that mean that this study is based on rapes/assaults that were reported to the police? (in which case, definitely undercounts) or is…
You're joking, but rape apologists like this fucknoodle probably would say that if you get run over while jaywalking it's analogous to getting raped while drunk, which I hesitate to even write lest it become the next college newspaper op-ed headline.
If you didn't want to be mowed down by a drunk driver, why were you crossing the street?