
In NYC you can call 311 and file a complaint against a cabbie if they harass you verbally or otherwise (you have to give their hack license number, which is displayed on the divider behind the driver's seat).

I suspect that's even more true for male doctors, who might get nervous answering that kind of specific, sexually-oriented question out of fears of giving offense or being accused of harassment or malpractice.

Right on.

I think we're at the point where the scientific community is just trolling us.

Just right for a bourbon cream and a nice cup of milky tea. Which I serve from my favorite teapot:

::offers plate::

Totally. The addicts in my family seem to prefer mating with enablers instead of other addicts, but that was just another choice that helped them do what they wanted to do: feed their addiction.

She also, by her own admission, was doing drugs before she met him. Sure, it didn't help her any that she was married to an addict, but she chose him, and her addiction wasn't his fault.

First of all, congrats on the house! And then congrats on being smart enough to cover your butt and his, legally speaking. I find that having everything in order, legally speaking, gives me real peace of mind because I know exactly what will happen if shit doesn't work out, so I don't spend time worrying unnecessarily.

I feel bad for women who think that being honest will drive away their partner or kill the love in their relationship. We've been so brainwashed to believe that women should never speak up about difficult subjects like finances or advocate for themselves that we'll sacrifice our own well-being to some vague notion of

Like it or not, marriage—sometimes even of the common-law variety—is a legally binding arrangement. To ignore that reality is like signing a contract without reading it first—a contract that affects your earning potential, retirement savings, property rights and survivorship rights. In other words, ignorant at best

Also a bad idea if you live in a really old building with brittle pipes. I found out the same way you did.

You can get a disposable plastic drain snake (pictured) from your local hardware store for less than $5. You push it into your sink drain or bathtub drain, give it a few twirls and then hook your finger in the hole in the top and drag it out. This takes care of the hair clogs like a dream.

Sand and saltwater. Two things you never ever want in your lady parts, let alone being rubbed into your lady parts by his thrusting manly parts.

Damn, now that everyone's mentioning it, I'm tearing up.

Even if you believe that, the priest had no right to walk out of the funeral before it was over. He bailed on the sacrament of Christian burial because he was disgusted that the deceased's gay daughter was giving a eulogy for her mother? Completely indefensible.

Don't piss us off, dudes, or there will be poisonous greens in your salad.

I think so too, especially because most peer-reviewed journals probably wouldn't accept a paper with the word "asshole" in the title.

If nothing else, the amount and ferocity of backlash against the misogynist trolls on this issue out there has been really heartening.

Assholes have an even harder time admitting they're wrong than the rest of us do.