
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Can some of y'all Jezzies please share a gif that you think accurately represents the Swiss consulate's reaction to that letter? I am working late and it would make my day.

You're right, of course. Maybe the problem is that GoT doesn't shamelessly objectify its male characters the way True Blood does. I always feel like True Blood is just visual porn for both sexes, but GoT is too obviously about the male gaze.

Oh hell yes. That too.

Well, to be fair, there aren't a whole lot of hot dudes on GoT, at least not as compared to other HBO series like True Blood*. So maybe that's part of it. But otherwise I think it's the dark brooding outsider thing.

I would like Jon Snow to pop out of my name day cake.

True. Although the straps are so thin they look like they don't go with the dress at all and someone just sewed some shoelaces into the neckline at the last minute.

Yeah, I'd be taking outdoor showers, running my charity from the front porch of that place and throwing tennis balls for a large pack of rescue dogs. Looks awesome.

3) Purchase Hawaii. Take outdoor shower. Repeat. FOREVER.

Thanks, I actually understood that part the first time I read the post. However, the US embassy is full of shit if it believes citizenship applies to zygotes but not to human beings born of American mothers.

So fucking what? Single cells like sperm and eggs don't have nationality. She gave birth to them, they're her children, therefore if she's an American, so are they.

Well, it really doesn't matter why she wants to do it. It's the right of US citizens to pass on that citizenship to their children, whether they're residents or not. But my guess is that she wants them to have the option to reside legally in the US and travel with a US passport, either if she moves back or when

So for future reference: if you get knocked up or give birth abroad don't disclose how your kids were conceived. It's none of the government's goddamn business anyway, and they're not likely to go through the trouble of investigating.

Bourdain took methadone for years to kick the heroin addiction...and yet he doesn't exalt his drug use in any way or try to profit off his history of addiction—which is an illness, by the way—by shilling methadone.

I tend to not look to Kanye West to raise my consciousness about anything, let alone the ethical problems with the wearing and sale of fur. I do, however, love anyone who makes a jab at PETA, the organization that bungles their own message so badly and offensively that they actually turn people AGAINST animal rights

I have nothing to say about your comment itself but I am hearting you big time for your name. LOVED Caddie Woodlawn.

Weaving their diaphanous, silky, slutty tents in our upstanding young trees...

The joining of these two might be enough to bring on the End of Days.*

Heh. I thought it was an awesome line.

I was pleased by how easy the process was and I definitely felt like I was taken seriously the entire time.