
'Nuff said.

The Death Star is fully operational.

So you're impressed that they're willing to make money off memorabilia associated with racism, genocide and hate groups and look forward to helping support them financially because of this?

Too soon. And a little ghoulish given how recent her death is.

I grew up inside the Beltway, but I still feel your pain (and terror).

Then you can feel secure in the knowledge that there is apparently just as much backwardness in the hallowed I-66 corridor!

Fairfax. I'm trying really hard not to make some crack about how I expected him to be from somewhere like Giles County. Oh wait. I just did. Apologies to Jezzies from SW VA.

Rick Santorum really should be running for president of the Republic of Gilead.

My dad was exactly the same way. Do you know that he only ever praised my achievements and my perserverance? He never even once told me I was sexy or complimented me on my tits.

I would like to be a bishop in this religion so I can carry a bishop's crozier (pictured) and apply it when/where necessary.

The bigger the lie, the more they believe.

I'd like to think you didn't mean that the way it sounded.

And Jim Jones and the People's Temple. Not sure if the US produces a higher proportion of batshit cult leaders by percentage of the population, but it would make for an interesting anthropological survey.

Yeah, I'm Jewish and if the Mormons want to pull some hocus-pocus with a stand-in and a fancy tank of water on the backs of oxen statues, it doesn't make Anne Frank a Mormon, IMO. But the presumptuousness of it IS pretty dickish.


Do they qualify as monotheistic? Must ask Tom Cruise....

Hey now, we also contributed Seventh Day Adventism, Nation of Islam and the Jehovah's Witnesses.

You mean like the bigotry of believing your religion is superior to all other ones and everyone who's not like you is going to hell?

That's the best explanation I've read in forever. And yeah, 1 and 2 tend to reveal how arbitrary and ridiculous the whole "one path to salvation" idea is anyway.

I love that judge.