
I don't recall ever voting for a Virginia politician who I wholeheartedly approved of. It was always a "lesser of two evils" vote. Chuck Robb vs. Ollie North, for example.

Not bad for a man whose master's thesis (from Regent University, not surprisingly) was full of retro handwringing about feminists, fornicators, contraception, and women working outside the home. Maybe (political) evolution really is possible.

That moment when she sort of purses her lips and shifts in her chair is priceless. I can practically see her thinking "MUST.NOT.ROLL.EYES."

That may be the best gif ever.

I might have to take out a second mortgage, but I suspect it would be worth it.

True. I've seen prenups that specified that the wife had to stay at a certain weight and if she didn't, she forfeited a percentage of the divorce settlement or that if they didn't have a son, she'd get less than if they did. Any shitty "entitlement" can be codified in a contract and signed off on if both parties are

I think we need a specific breakdown of what constitutes cheating. Oral? P-in-V? Anthony Weiner-style sexting? Could he conceivably rack up multiple cheating fines in one encounter?

She's not entitled to monetary compensation for anything he does, good or bad. She doesn't own him.

Confidential to Jessica Biel: if he's a cheater, that won't stop him from cheating.

I nominated this comment and I hereby toast bloodlesscoup for her brilliance!!

OMG, does this recording exist?

If you have longed to lose friends and intimidate people by dressing like a member of the SS, this is the collection for you.

He must have been a blast as a husband!

I love that! (All of it!)

That is also extremely awesome but I have never had the same urge to tie Jon Stewart down and lick him all over like I do with Colbert, so I'm more jealous of your Colbert encounter. And yeah, good memories! They get better the more often you think of them!

::dies of jealousy::

Oh, that was classic! A perfect example of Dan Savage's How'd That Happen? principle: []

I must ask—-did you run an obit for him?

Ooookay then...

That's pretty common. People with mental illness often try to self-medicate with drugs and then the drugs become the problem but it can be really tough to separate what's caused by the drugs and what's caused by the illness. I have some family members who have this problem and I always visualized it as a snake