
The good news is that it probably wound up as tl;dr.

As an alum of the U.C. Berkeley greek system (although I'm not familiar with ZPhiB)

I'm pretty sure Rihanna's wearing a wig in that photo.



Angry feminists LOVE it when you tell them to calm down.

Yeah....I'm still donating only to PP.


So true. I even supported a friend of mine who ran for DA who is a Republican and I spent a lot of time explaining to my Democrat friends that he is a typical socially liberal NY Republican who had prosecuted sex crimes and been active in advocating for women's rights. I'm from Virginia originally, and the concept of

Every time I read one of these backlash stories, I rub my hands together and go "eeeexcellent."

Now you have an excuse to see him again when you return the shirt? Maybe?

This is the beauty of Mayor Mike. When he gets it right, he gets it right, does the right thing and doesn't give a fuck what other people—-especially other Republicans—-think. See also: his unyielding response to all the "Ground Zero mosque" bigots.

He's a classic New York RINO (Republican In Name Only). Pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-government spending, socially liberal in most ways. (Pataki was like this, and so was Giuliani before he decided to run for President).


It's been a banner week for NYPD brutality. Yesterday a bunch of cops were busted for a Rodney King-style beatdown in the Bronx. It is a very sick organization.

I'm glad to know that a portion of all the money I paid for Nirvana tapes/t-shirts/CDs in the 90s is going towards paying for Frances Bean's lawyers and therapists, because Jesus H. Christ, she must need them.

Not a substantive comment, but a thank you to MoGlo for these great posts and keeping the pressure on!

Gay folks in fashion? Who'd have thunk it??

I haven't, but now I'll go. I haven't shopped there since I was a kid—it was the main dept. store at the mall in my hometown—but I will have to buy some stuff and tell them that Ellen sent me.

She and Portia have a ton of guest houses on their estate. I would love to just live in one and drop in on them for dinner from time to time. It would be awesome. And Portia has horses, which is even more awesome.