
"Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families," reads a statement on their site

That's exactly what I wondered. Parent-child sex is illegal and now that's how the law regards them, so....

Ooh, hearted back. MOAR HEARTING!


Exactly. When she says "it's not something you truly want to do" and you think "Eww. Why did I?"and abuse yourself emotionally afterwards, that's the very definition of BAD sex.

Saying she'd be comfortable with casual sex if they were just doing it better denies her experiences

What am I doing that's similar? I don't understand.

I don't think any of them married child molesters, but I could be wrong.

I think the phrasing makes it sound like she's equating being promiscuous with all the bad feelings she has about sex. Maybe she only feels that way when she's having casual sex....but what she's describing is not typical of all casual sex, just typical of BAD sex.

This is the one that always kills the sanctity of marriage argument for me.

There's no system of clinics to compete with PP because the anti-abortion crowd doesn't actually care about women's health enough to fund and maintain it. It's that simple.

You win.

I think Amanda Seyfried is terrified of having bad, unhappy sex and feeling guilty afterwards. Which is not automatically the same as being promiscuous. Plenty of women have lots of casual sex and do not feel that way. And plenty of women are in monogamous, married relationships and DO feel that way.

Gwynnie's kids are little and I bet she has one of those big-ass soaking tubs. Nudity at that age is not a big deal.

She's just really anxious because she knows he's going to dump her for a younger woman any day now.

Thanks (and hearted)!

Whenever I get into it with pro-life types who want to defund PP, I always point out that if they REALLY cared about women's health care but didn't want to offer abortion services, they would have set up and funded an alternative to PP that did all of the pre-natal care, cancer/STD screening, ob-gyn services etc for

Awww...such fond shitass memories....I got the COTD because of my comments about Mrs. Scott Baio.

The family values candidate and his third missus certainly think so.

I really don't want to grow up in a world where marriage isn't such a special thing anymore.