
When my last really serious relationship ended, the dude had started doing the drift (let's just say he had Issues and I knew those were the cause of all the problems) .

Your commenter name is what winning looks like. Hearted.

Yeah, eff that dude.

Mice are cute! They'll help sew your gown so you can go to the ball and meet your prince!

You know, I've never done a scientific analysis of how long it takes flavors to work their way down to the privates, but I would say probably an hour or so...prob about the same amount of time it takes for fluids to work their way down to the bladder to be peed out. Whenever I'm expecting to get a visit downtown, I

Two things:

Censorship is unnecessary in India now.

That may be true, but is it really the role of the government to decide what's morally suitable and then prevent people from seeing what they think doesn't meet their standards?

I don't think it's prudish or hypocritical, I think it's the worst kind of government censorship. The movie can't be shown anywhere in the country because a small group of government-sponsored morality police deem it "unsuitable?" How is that consistent with the democracy India claims to be?

Agreed. I went with a friend who had not read the book and told her to tune out during that part and also that Bjurman was going to pay for it later. I admit, knowing what was going to happen to him made it easier for me to deal with the rape scene.

Take out the scenes of sexual violence and replace them with Blomqvist and Lisbeth in a fabulous sparkly candy-colored bhangra dance number. Problem solved.

I suspect what they mean is "stranger rape" as compared to "date rape," which is the most common form of it on campuses. (Scare quotes added because I find both terms problematic). Because you're right, all rape is non-consensual, so it's by definition forcible.

For sure.

See, I would go around telling everyone about my unicornuate uterus just because it brings this to mind.

And the aubergine shirt too...did he get dressed in the dark?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't get past Billy Bush's loud-ass cherry pants.

Could be that too.

Athletes and rape apologists go together like bread and butter.

Reading between the lines here, for the Rhodes committee to dump this guy so quickly and completely, whatever they heard must have really curled their hair, so to speak. Because we all know how easily allegations of rape are dismissed and this wasn't even a formal charge or complaint. Something about it really spooked