


And Arizona is one of the places where the non-white population is growing the fastest. Jan Brewer's going to live out her old age in some retirement community in Sedona as just about every elected office in the state goes to a Hispanic citizen. And I will laugh and laugh and laugh.

I'm saying it's racial. Especially in this case, where we have mountains of evidence that Jan Brewer is a big ol' racist.

I feel reasonably sure that if you went into Jan Brewer's linen closet, there would be eyeholes in at least some of the sheets.

Good for Obama for walking away. The woman is a flagrantly racist and delusional asshole who can't be bothered to behave with even a modicum of civility. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by indulging her.

+1 I hope she runs for national office.

I seriously want to ask him what kind he used!

Anyone else distracted by his makeup? Try as I might, I've never been able to achieve that perfect matte texture and pink blush on the apples of my cheeks.

I find both of them so unlikeable and unfunny that I'm not even tempted to pop popcorn for this one.


Oh wow, thanks for that link. That girl had some skillz.

OMG, I'm so sorry. I want to wrap you and your bf in a fluffy warm blanket and give you a cup of cocoa. Possibly with a couple valium crushed up in it.

I grew up in Arlington, and it wasn't until very recently that I learned that Liberty on the Virginia flag was actually a woman and that was, in fact, a titty and not a big ol' neoclassical pec muscle on a sort of androgynous-looking Greco-Roman dude.

Fellow Virginian?

Yeah, I know. It's not like nipples are some great mystery. I think the owner must have meant something like "please don't paint an artsy depiction of a threesome with sex toys on the wall" but nipples? Whatever.

Jonathan Spiel, the owner, said he's "as liberal as they come" and had simply asked the artist, David Mitchell Aronson, to make sure there wasn't anything "which a little kid might ask his mom about."

Word. "Judeo-Christian" is a bullshit way for Christians to feel like they're being all inclusive and shit. But at the end of the day, they think Jews are wrong and spiritually inferior and we're all going to hell. So yeah, fuck them.

That's why I wear the floor-length skirt with my boob-baring top. When I'm holding those snakes I don't have a free hand to tug my hemline down all the time.

I wear that to the clubs on weekends.