
I seriously want to spirit this kid away and hide her in a feminist commune until she's 18.

I was just walking around the house naked and tripped and it just went up there!

Sort of like all the guys who show up in the emergency room claiming they were vacuuming in the nude and then totally accidentally OMG it just got caught in the suction thingy...

I've been to both and I don't agree. Ivy students just use more elevated language to argue their ignorant douchebaggery.

...although, to be fair, the world is full of real-life "Joe Whites."

I do. Not every couple on TV is in a fake relationship. (and they were married long before they were ever on TV)

Yeah, I'm 36 and I haven't ovulated since I was 19. I need to get in on one of these evo-psych studies just so I can fuck with their data.

It comes in handy SO often!

I actually was kind of pleased that his FB friends were like "Dude WTF?" There didn't seem to be a lot of support there..

I confess, I nominated NomNom's and not yours but yours is brilliant too and frankly, that whole thread is full of WIN. Crap e-mails do inspire the commentariat's best wit...

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. It's a shame, because there's a gazillion reasons we should all be aware and outraged by the environmental cost of eating meat and the abuses of factory farming or medical experiments. I just wish there were a better alternative messenger.

I think when the most prominent and vocal animal rights organization employs the kind of shitty advertising and messaging that PETA does, people turn off to the message. I'm not saying their message is wrong, but it's very easy to dismiss the message when you're so turned off by the messenger. You'd think they'd give

No organization has done more to turn people AGAINST animal rights than PETA.

My go-to for black-tie events.

This makes me so terribly sad for everyone involved, including Loughner. He's obviously extremely ill and suffering, and was when he committed the crime.

I thought the bit about him being gay was to explain why the higher-up appears to be ridiculously enamored of Chris, the employee. Seriously, that letter to the customer is so bizarrely over-the-top about how fabulous and infallible Chris is that he sounds like he's either Chris's lover or his parent.

So nominated for #cotd!

Where's Anonymous when you need them?