
It's like paying your credit card off with a new credit card! Repeat as necessary!

Borrowing from his new girlfriend?

Jesus H. Christ with a grudge, lady. You aren't entitled to a refund when you (finally) figure out that you made stupid choices in your love life. Grow the fuck up and move the fuck on.

A MoGlo by any other name would smell as sweet.

And it'll give you a pleasant maple-syrupy smell. Maybe Eau de Fendi-Greek can be Mimi's next department store fragrance!

A glass of Guinness is SO not a big deal. Although if the yeast is the thing, she could just take brewer's yeast tablets and get the same effect.

I think it's A then B. Reality TV seems to take horrible people and make them more horrible.

And yet, she seems to be smart enough to not be marrying/having a baby with him. Which means she either realizes that:

Right? Good for him.

(()) back! My browser at work crashes when I go on Gawker sites and I've pretty much given up commenting during work hours. Increased productivity, but sadly decreased bonerkilling entertainment!

"We don't need figures like this to know sexual violence is a problem, there are many other types of violence and human rights issues that need to be tackled.

Jesus, lady, get some fucking dignity already. Even if you're too dumb or desperate to stay out of trouble, you can at least refrain from having emotional diarrhea on Oprah's couch every time you get caught.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. When he ran for governor, allegations about the lechery came out and I just assumed that she'd made her peace with him hound-dogging around, for the sake of the marriage or the kids or whatever. She is a Kennedy woman, after all.

Goldie's totally a talented actress, but the eternal twentysomething shtick is ridiculous, IMO.

Cuteness has the shelf life of milk in Hollywood. Build your career on it and you eventually either turn into Jennifer Aniston, who's 40something and gets mocked for seeming old and desperate, or Kate Hudson's mom, who is 60something and still trying to look 22.

Always impressed by someone who can take a totally post about a celebrity and make it all about them.

Because of laws of modesty, we are not allowed to publish pictures of women, and we regret if this gives an impression of disparaging to women, which is certainly never our intention.


At 63, that seems unlikely. But you can't be too careful! Women are so duplicitous!