
Pot, meet kettle.

I suspect Rich prefers inexperienced women because an inexperienced woman who has sex with Rich might blame herself when the sex is crappy. Whereas those of us who've been around the block a few times and are all confident and experienced and bad would know it's because Rich is an insecure assweasel who doesn't have

I think I just got pregnant.

I had to smoke a cigarette afterwards.

Brava Emfish!

Fair point.

And in every column I've seen where Dan jokes about how he doesn't like vaginas, he also says, "Straight boys, if you want your sex lives to be worthwhile, you'd better learn to looooooove pussy and learn to eat it like a champ and think it's the best thing ever."

I would also like to take a moment to objectify Dan's husband Terry. Because he's hot. And sensitive, and a great dad.

I don't know if Dan's really achieved mainstream ubiquity and he carried in any newspapers besides alternative weeklies? He'll have gone mainstream when he's in the Washington Post next to Ask Amy and Carolyn Hax...which hasn't happened yet and isn't going to happen anytime soon.

That's a good enough reason, IMO. Newt was fucking her while he was trying to get Bill Clinton kicked out of office for lying about a blowjob. So I hope their relationship comes up CONSTANTLY until it kills whatever deluded hope he has of the Republican nomination.

Brow lift/Botox cautionary tale, IMO.

I'd rather snark on the fact that she was shtupping Newt while he was married to someone else and while she was working for him (and honestly...shtupping Newt Gingrich is practically a crime against humanity all by itself).

The Buenos Aires airport has the most awesome airport code of all time: EZE.

No problem. I just don't think this seems nearly as empowering as just walking away and not looking back. Doing stuff to piss off your ex after the fact just further involves you in breakup drama, especially if it's posting nude pictures, which can really backfire. It's not nearly as liberating as saying "Get the fuck

dignity = not doing things simply for male attention

Slut shaming how? She didn't do anything even remotely slutty—or at least, that I would consider slutty.

Word, girl. Walk out with your head held high and don't look back. Doing shit to get back at at an ex—esp. exhibitionist shit—just shows how much you care that he's paying attention. And if the shit you pull is super-freaky, it gives him the chance to say "yeah, she was a crazy bitch anyhow."

@littlepJ: Yeah, but she could dress however she wants to get revenge without putting semi-naked pictures of herself on the internet. The whole "Now other men can see me naked, ha ha, you can't control me!" is a pretty juvenile form of empowerment.

Uh...I guess?