
Three years...right on schedule for when my aging reproductive system might need it.

@skahammer: If you're marrying a professional athlete, you know what you're getting into. You will spend a great deal of time apart and he will be constantly surrounded by sexually available women, often fairly aggressive. The chances he'll stay monogamous are low, so you either make your peace with that or don't

@skahammer: Self-control? Not that well with professional athletes. Thing is, if they can't modify their own behavior, there's not a damn thing their wives can do about it, which is why this club is such bullshit.

@Lorin: Exactly! If you are not either fucking or cockblocking your hounddog at every possible moment, you have failed as a wife!

Because God forbid you try to prevent men from cheating by asking them to modify THEIR OWN behavior.

Like Tacky Teresa's daughter's christening, this had NOTHING to do with having a baby and everything to do with the hostess being a pretentious, materialistic attention whore with zero self-awareness.

I'm not surprised it was someone else's house—I wouldn't believe the Salahis if they told me the sky is blue—but I'd love to know how they got into the house to film that segment without the owners knowing.

@jeccat: I felt exactly the same way, esp. in Zimbabwe, where things were NOT GOOD elsewhere in the country, but the game lodge where we were was in a fairly peaceful part of the country (Vic Falls). When I talked with the trackers and drivers on our safari they were all like "OMG, our biggest fear is that tourism

@erika: I've been to a couple of places like this in India and Africa, and...yep. Game preserves and wildlife refuges with fancy tourist businesses bring badly-needed capital into otherwise impoverished communities and preserve the environment but there's no way you will not feel like a whitey imperialist when a

I sincerely doubt there is anyone in Maine who can dance like that couple.

Or vindictive and aggressively creepy, just like her husband.

For those of us with extra-classy pussies.

@Dame Hottness: Ooookay. Whatever you're should share it.

@rbeck: Right? My first thought was "Ginny should stop spiking her coffee."

Apparently Clarence ain't the only Thomas who can be creepy and inappropriate.

The Pill has done a great deal for Womanity. Cosmo, not so much.

Thanks, Jodie, for the reminder that despite all logic, some women will defend abusers and some gays will defend homophobes.