
"That should... not [be] considered harassment."

@LaComtesse: Yael might be less obvious, than Judith. Although I've heard some people say that the fact that she kills the dude as he sleeps means that she had off-screen/non-described sex with him and he was dozing off post-coitally. Of course, that's all predicated on the same "what was he doing in the tent

In that photo with the cockatoos she looks like she's going "Oopsies! I accidentally dislocated my shoulder!"

@LaComtesse: Yael and Judith both got the dudes in question alone in a tent , which back then was pretty much seen as...uh...the same way it is now. You know, if you invite a man to your dorm room, etc.

@badmutha: "What got Becky through the Breakup From Hell five years ago?" Ding!!

@Uncommon_Whore: Me too. I should find out who Liza's doctor is.

I'm gonna go with "Tranqs and Benzos" for $200, Alex!

@NorwoodIsMyHero: It does seem to be the fast track to a good job...

Have they noticed that there are no young housewives in Italy these days? Young Italians are leaving Italy in droves and postponing marriage well into their thirties...or not marrying at all.

@14Kgold:betastar misses MizJ: Oh yes, plenty of time. You need to age like a fine wine and acquire wisdom and grace from experience to reach Miss Alfre's level. Even she was not at her current level of amazingness when she was in her early 30s.

There is not enough lighting in the world...

I bet being married to John Oliver would be a hell of a lot of fun.

@GildaLily: I know. And she didn't labor for days like Trudie.

@dodo-bajoe: I keep thinking he's going to have another heart attack. Either way, I agree it's not going to end well.

Jesus, poor Trudie.

I wonder who took this? It's clearly not from the "holding my iphone at arm's length" school of Twitterpics.

@rooflizard: Yeah, what Pam said. She holds her poor kids hostage to her TMI—she does things like ask them how she should deal with her boyfriends or women friends—and stage-moms them in a really alarming way (like, her daughter gets a modelling job and she begins pushing her to lose weight so they can "walk the shows

@didntmeanto: I hadn't even though of that. Good point.