
Women have been kissing each other on network TV for years now—romantically, jokingly or so that the show could gin up their ratings.

@Kivrin: I had the fainting couch all ready before I opened this post.

@Hooplehead: Blacking out those bits in Bob Baer's book was in some ways a marketing ploy by the publisher. The CIA had asked him to redact some bits they considered sensitive, and his publisher decided that by showing the redaction instead of simply deleting the offending parts, it made the readers feel like they're

"I believe Nicky is being manipulated by Gloria Allred for political and financial purposes during the last few weeks of a hotly contested election."

@KLondike5: No problem. Here it is totally shamelessly in the comments.

@KLondike5: Oh, and if you don't mind, I might just use that bit for a thingy I'm writing on my own feminist blog (well, the one I edit with somee other Jez-itarian feminists).

@KLondike5: I think that can all be boiled down to GIRLZ SUCK.

@DinaRonson : Elizabeth Cady Stanton: True. And it's totally fine if you find nasty sexist stereotypes funny—lots of us do. But that doesn't make them less nasty and sexist, and while you personally may not want to object to it or call it out for being offensive, that doesn't mean you should roll your eyes at those of

@KLondike5: Yeah, that's the thing that gets me. It can be proved quantifiably that teenage boys are WAY more likely to have/cause accidents than teenage girls. Allstate has legions of actuaries who have crunched the data on that—-it's what they use to justify charging higher insurance rates for families with teenage

The ads are lazy, cheap shots that join countless more lazy, cheap shots. It's not healthy for girls and women to be constant targets for this stuff, and it's not healthy for us as a society to be okay with it.

@BrianDoh: Trust Gawker to know that detail. That poor kid. I hope the assholes who did this stew in regret and shame for the rest of their lives.

@Wanderlusting: Yeah, that was my question. I haven't gotten from any of the coverage that it was gay sex. Although that would certainly make sense for why he was so despondent. If the poor kid was in the closet, that must have been a nightmare for him.

Does someone of Madonna's clout have final approval over which photos run? She's extremely controlling of her image—not in a bad way, mind you—and I can't imagine she wouldn't insist on seeing and approving everything post Photoshop.

@Scratch (ex Jenrobe): Oh hell yes. Not my favorite BBC series ever, but Richard Armitage was SMOKIN'.

@bpjedi: Yes! I don't really like that book all that much, but it was terrific.

After Sept. 11, broadcast TV was knocked out in NYC for nearly a month, and I was too poor to get cable. So I checked out at least a dozen costume dramas from the NY Public Library. I can't tell you how comforting it was to come home in the evening—with the smell of smoke, ash and chemical fires still hanging in the