
@maude_flanders: Panties: dissolved. And damn...I should have have put a towel down on my office chair.

@sissylarue: At the very least, this season has been WAY better than that damn Maenad plotline that dominated Season 2. That one sucked.

@maude_flanders: Where can one find this? Jason Stackhouse + Aussie accent = no panties.

@nibnycgrrl: Yeah, and that seems like a cheap writer cop-out too...when things get stale, they can recycle Russell to spice them up. Which, I love Russell, but sometimes getting rid of a popular character in the right way at the right moment makes more sense and improves the show (see: The Wire).

I know Eric loves Godric and Godric's become like Vampire Jesus and we should all learn to love each other and all that jazz, but letting Russell live at all was an epic FAIL. They should have left him to fry like a worm on the sidewalk.

@katie.scarlett.o'hara: Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe his revenge was hanging Bill's ass out to dry with Sookie? Still...the stage was set for an epic vampire smackdown between Eric and Bill and...nothing.

@dirtybee: The only thing harder than Eric's abs was the setting concrete in his hair.

Why did cement-y Eric not kill Bill's ass when he showed up at Sookie's? I mean, I wanted to kill Bill for it, and I'm not a 1,000 year old vampire with a lust for vengeance.

@SarahMC: Thank you. This is not BDSM, this is rape and torture. BDSM is consensual .

Rosario Dawson is rocking that leather! I covet that dress.

From my apartment window, they look kinda like the Bat Signal.

@gypsypirate: In years past, they've been on for a full week.

@LilaFowler: Yes, blocking, defriending, reporting...all very useful options.

@mosaiclobster: I know, it's hard not to engage when you want to shriek "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!11!" But that inevitably ups the ante and guarantees another round or ten of "Well, since you asked, I'll tell you what the fuck is wrong with all started when you...etc. etc. etc."

The best response is no response.

I am allergic to cats, so inevitably, when I visit friends who have them, they gravitate toward my luggage and this happens.

Oh look! Jezebel just posted a giant douchey ad for OKCupid. a humorless bitch: The question isn't whether there's some truth to the points about women's behavior, it's about the incredibly condescending tone of the list and the fact that a corporation felt the need to post the list in order to help their female employees better themselves not "sabotage