
I am looking forward to seeing the "how not to sabotage your career" Top 10 list Citibank posts for its male employees.

@keldo: After that Summer's Eve ad, I thought we were supposed to douche at the office or we'd never get promoted!

@Hortense Smith: "When the hour of Martha Stewart Living next approacheth..."

@Hooplehead: That's true, but I think she's just another GOP shill and as long as she's not actively running for elective office, I don't particularly care if she comes across as young and dumb about politics. At least she's not young, dumb and hateful. The current GOP spokespeople—Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Rush

@Ailatan: I listened to her on NPR last weekend and if you had stabbed for every time she said "like" it would have been a bloodbath.

@Hooplehead: She and Palin have a lot more in common than she would like to admit.

Meghan, honey, you have GOT to quit it with the giggling and the uptalk. No one will ever take you seriously? if everything you say? sounds like a question?

I'd expect Michelle to be a passer, not a rusher. That height! Those arms!

@Uncommon_Whore: Seconded. I get mean and snappish when my blood sugar drops, so I carry around almonds so no one loses a finger.

@skahammer: Exactly. That's why this one surprises me.

So if a patient consents to a procedure, there's no harm/no foul? Even if the doctor is lying and deliberately misinforming her so he can get his sick jollies from touching her in a way that is clearly not medically necessary?

I've read Natasha Kampusch's memoir and it's actually quite extraordinary—-dignified, detailed, insightful and well-written. It's not the usual lurid "misery memoir" that UK readers love so much.