
@Strict: I have read comments on the Daily Mail website before.

@FrabjousDay: So true. I think they're in danger of permanently losing their moderates because of the pandering to the base, and the constant freaking out on social issues and immigration, which may buy them some short-term gains from the base, but which is going to be a huge problem for the next generation, who are

@FrabjousDay: I think a lot of Republicans would have felt the same way, even without comparing Lieberman to Palin. They lost all the moderates and the conservative-flavored independents by picking Palin.

@bluebears: Or how everyone in a pre-Civil War historical novel is secretly an abolitionist.

I call Monday morning quarterbacking.

@FrabjousDay: Apparently he favored Joe Lieberman, and Lieberman thought he had it in the bag until he got a call saying "well, y''s not going to be you."

@14K:missesMizJ: Ew, that's true. I was thinking about a pound of cracked corn, but you're right, it's probably ground up hog parts.

@14K:missesMizJ: Exactly. You sometimes hear about how a male actor has to eat a dozen egg whites and a pound of chicken to feed his big manly muscles, but you never hear about them NOT eating to maintain the Hollywood-mandated shape. Of course, that's because men are supposed to be muscular in Hollywood, whereas

I'll just point out the obvious...these "celebs/stars" are all women.

@Pigasus: Or any kind of tea. Or coffee. None of which have calories.

@CurtCole: Popcorn with extra butter, after reading that.

Thank God I didn't put on eye makeup this morning.

@jeccat: It bugs because your uterus is nobody's fucking business but yours and people who make comments like that are either clueless or assholes or clueless assholes. Sorry. :(

@Oh-Honey-No: I'd seriously get behind some taint-wipes, though. No pun intended.

@themonkeysknow: Yeah, 38 is soooooo old! Like, OMG, it's ancient! I don't know why we're even discussing someone so old and gross and wrinkly. She's too old to even matter.

We want you to know that Fleet Laboratories and the Summer's Eve brand have the utmost respect for women.