
@Skyblacker: HAWT. I mostly hate that show because it's so incredibly historically inaccurate—-I studied Tudor/Stuart history at Cambridge, so I'm especially picky—-but JRM is very pretty (even if he looks absolutely nothing like HVIII) and the few episodes I've seen have had absolutely ridiculous amounts of

You got to give the conservatives credit—-they're doing an excellent job ensuring that no person of color will ever vote for them.

@suiterkin: Seriously. I feel like sending conservatives a note saying: "Psst! The First Amendment—-it doesn't mean what you think it means."

I wonder what she would have said if Dr. Laura had used the word "retarded" over and over and over again.

@Skyblacker: That's Thomas Cromwell, actually (as played by James Frain who I now have a hard time picturing without fangs).

It surprises me that a company as heavily lawyered as Disney would do this. They should know better.

@hfree: Maybe she figured that suing her employer for discrimination would be less risky once she was a citizen. If she was going through the process of naturalization, I can understand why she'd hesistate to get into a First Amendment legal battle.

@Marbe: I don't think it's a fair criticism period. Who's he to judge Gilbert for not wanting to explore Catholicism?

Does she mean "gaggle?" I don't think I've ever seen "cackle" used as a noun before.

@Marbe: He's a film critic for a Catholic publication that promotes the Church. Sure he can make criticisms, but he's not an unbiased party. He's a shill for the Church.

@BeetsGoOn: So when a Catholic talking head bashes a woman for not being sufficiently interested in Catholicism, that's okay?

@wtfox?!: I know, it's almost intentional satire.

Way to set up the obvious response, John Muldering.