
You'd think that by the time people have reached adulthood, they'd have been able to come up with something more intelligent (and withering) as an insult than "You're fat!"

@scullymurphy: Right. Because personal experiences, particularly cultural ones are so easily backed up with hard scientific data. Jeebus.

@tokyogirl: Seriously? I was talking about British offices and British corporate cultures in a thread about British businesspeople with a post about British workplace harrassment.

@FiendishThingie: I'm sorry it was unclear. You seem bright enough to puzzle it out on your own, so I won't condescend to explain it to you.

@tokyogirl: If one is comparing British and American corporate cultures, it seems to me that people who have worked in both are well-qualified to make that judgement.

@FiendishThingie: Or by people talking about their own experiences and sharing observations. Which is what's going on here.

@no more girl wonder: Just saying "but there are assholes everywhere" doesn't acknowledge that certain types of assholery are treated differently in different countries and different cultures.

@no more girl wonder: As someone who's spent a lot of time working in the UK, I think scullymurphy's dead on. The British companies—-even when it was just the UK office of an American company—-had a noticeably different from American ones with a corporate culture that condoned getting drunk with coworkeres, making

The facial expressions are just too ridiculous.

btw Jezebel won't even print this

@Thalia Al Ghul: You are so hearted for that gif. I wish I could attach it to half my work e-mails.

@CandyBacon: Ooh, you're right! I dunno...maybe he's been kicked to the curb. Nor more BJs for Scraps.

@CandyBacon: Danny the creepy ex-con bodyguard is almost certainly being paid with BJs.

I wonder if her "other offers" include that recent "birthday party" at Scores. That kind of gig won't keep Danielle in hair extensions for very long...

@lavenderstain: I think Teresa's problem is that she's just plain old stupid.

@DutchessOfDork: Theoretically you can ask people to leave for any reason you want. But if they're doing something legal, you'd be opening yourself up to a huge lawsuit.

The men were the problem here, not the breastfeeding.

@rd2uk: This is true for me as well. But given that Teresa's been speaking English pretty much full time for the last 30 years...I think plain old garden variety stupidity is the reason "things come out wrong."