
Mazel tov to the gorgeous daddies. I bet NPH will be a super-fun dad.

@rixatrix is the girl who lived: I live in Manhattan, where the local culture makes you feel like stray pubes are the equivalent of walking down Broadway with toilet paper stuck to your heel.

@wtfox?!: Didn't warn him about your vagina dentata?

Jesus Vagina Christ, can we please stop calling it a "va-jay-jay?"

If I could make Tim Gunn laugh like that, my life would be complete.

@kurahoshi: True. Although not everyone thinks that way—-I have friends who will friend some random dude they met in a bar on a Friday night—-and I think if someone you're dating requests it, you're kind of stuck. If you like them and things are going well and you won't accept their friend request, that can cause all

The Wedding Industrial Complex just had a multiple orgasm.

The "REMAIN CALM, OFFLINE" is so brilliant. Resist! Resist!

@paperispatient: OMG me too. Those bookshelves are the stuff of my fantasies.

@jeska: Back atcha.

@perditamarie: Of course. I don't disagree with any of your problems with Palin.

@perditamarie: You "got the feeling" that she's a bad mom and doesn't love her kids? How exactly? Do you know her? Live with her? Know her kids? Know what her home's like?

Sarah Palin is a hero to her constituency because she and Bristol both had inconvenient children rather than resort to abortion.

@junkyardarts: All that milky skin and lean, rippling's just so distressing. I have to keep changing my panties...

@BossLadie: There needed to be at least another 10 minutes of that scene, IMO.

@AngriestGeek: @SarahMC: Y'all are perverts. I will pray for you.

@AngriestGeek: I resent the implication that those of us who do not have "an ample breast" are not going to "naturally be sensuous" when we lotion up.

I felt troubled in the same way when Alexander Skarsgard unbuttoned his shirt on Sunday night's "True Blood."