
@CurtCole: It was very cruel of Eric to kill him BEFORE they were done. Otherwise Talbot would at least have gone happy.

Can someone please make a gif of Eric unbuttoning his shirt? I...uh...may have replayed that moment a few times in frame-by-frame.

@SamIam24: I think it ain't so. You can beat a vampire's head in but not kill them. And I think she was having the lusty shower dream because she drank Franklin's blood when she bit him. Remember how that always makes humans have horny vampire fantasies? (Sam had them for Bill, Sookie has them for Eric, etc).

@emaline: Thanks, that's good to know. I will see if the NYPD has something similar.

Standing O for Nay Khun. I'm always delighted when these sickos get busted.

@ShanaElmsford: I know, but I want him to gaze in that disapproving manner in a quality movie with Meryl Streep, not in a "Showgirls" retread with Cristina Aguilera.

@smmo: Empowerfulment, my sister.

Terminology is unimportant, as the GOP haters don't really regard immigrant women as fully human. Or at least, not as human as "real Americans."

@rednrowdy: Oh're so much better than that.

Can we use this as an excuse to continue yesterday's cavalcade of awesome gifs?

Stanley Tucci??? Is that you? Say it ain't so!

@smmo: Well yes, there is that. We've been treated to a lot of guest posts on gossip, strippers and titty-talk since Anna left.

@yessi: Yeah, that's a possibility, although it's so muddy I'm not sure we could say for certain. Also, the whole notion of "it's ironic that he's your boyfriend but he's here" is kind of tired and ridiculous—-it goes back to what everyone else is saying in this thread about how this writer seems to think women are

@Kat@Work: Yeah, I honestly don't think that people are thinking "OMG this could be my boyfriend!" I think it's that the ranting wanders all over the place—-the "you" she's addressing keeps changing from the phantom girlfriend to the male customer back to the girlfriend, which is odd—-and whole strange opening of

@InFranceTwoEggsIsAnOeuf: Yeah, agreed. A thorough edit could have taken care of that. This whole post feels like a wasted opportunity because of the mishmashed writing and the lack of editing.

@LatestBy: Maybe. I don't think the writing's that clever, though. I think it's more a jab of some kind at the girlfriend, but it misses the mark because the meaning is so unclear. Bad writing totally spoils the effect she was going for.

@Kat@Work: No, we're offended that she seems to think girlfriends are responsible for their boyfriend's behavior and that we are expected to care how he behaves with her because of that. You, on the other hand, seem to think we're all objecting to this poorly written and edited article because our men are hitting the