
@bluebears: Honestly, it's like no one bothered to edit this piece.

@bookling: If it was written explicitly for Jez, it makes even less sense that the "you" throughout is mostly the male customer.

@Aesop's Foibles.: You're assuming there are points left on her credit score.

@pizza_pizza_tata: No, I can appreciate its content, but the weak writing in the beginning and end, plus the shifting perspective—who's the "you" she's addressing?—-keep it from being a "great" article, IMO. It's possible to have a good point and good ideas but not express them well.

And back to you, girlfriend of the guy who stiffed me: I do not blame you for having a bad boyfriend, but the irony of the situation has not escaped me.

Revenge sex: the reason you're still friends with that ex from five years ago. Keep some exes handy and you'll never have to resort to Craigslist.

I want to be far away when they get the munchies...

If Lisa Bloom sincerely believes that any of that behavior even remotely amounts to defamation, Michaele Salahi needs get a new lawyer—-preferably one who knows the actual definition of defamation.

@morninggloria: Jesus is undoubtedly in favor of such an amendment, as everyone keeps asking him to get involved on genital-related issues and it squicks him out and is just a huge waste of his time.

@DarlingBecky: What you're proposing is making divorce illegal, which will never happen in the US, and is a terrible idea for a hell of a lot of reasons. It's not the government's job to force people to remain married.

Please let it be Roger's, please let it be Roger's....

@netfe: I know, right? She thought "Oh, okay, he's cancelling the engagement to the other woman. Now that's sorted and everything's okay!" People's capacity for self-delusionment never fails to amaze me.

When she talked to her husband about it, he admitted that he'd been engaged to the other woman, but promised to cancel the wedding.

@Daoudmac: Aww. I'm sorry. I've so been there. The good news is, equality is hopefully here to stay and there will be someone else you can do it happens. Even for those of us who are long in the tooth. SRSLY.

@brenatdisco: What about it? The reason there are so many different flu vaccines is that there are many different strains of the flu and it mutates constantly. But mutation is not CAUSED by vaccination. That's just how the virus behaves. Some viruses are very mutable, some are not. HIV is the same way, which is why

@AfroJezeBella: So delicious. And it doesn't matter that they're thin, because I eat them by the big fat stackful. (and then get real thirsty for the rest of the day)