
@mrsjakeryan: Exactly. The last thing magazine publishing needs it to get whiter. In fact, until I read this, I wouldn't have thought such a thing was even possible, given its current state of overwhelming whiteness.

I think that in most cases where someone says "We can get rid of that anti-discrimination law because there isn't any discrimination happening anymore", we should take a good, hard look at who they are and whether they stand to benefit from retiring that anti-discrimination law.

"When these same institutions (naming Conde Nast, Hachette and others) start to employ hiring practices that allow Black publishing professionals the same access to their publications, that's when I can get all ‘Kumbaya' about Essence‘s new fashion director."

@SparklyTempest: yes, the belt and the high waist are pretty dreadful too. And they probably only serve to increase the case of prickly heat that poor dude's junk will have.

@BebeLush: If you wear sexy clothing and shake your ass doing the mambo, it's like you're asking for a stalker! I'd laugh at how dumb Hasselbeck is if only she didn't have such a big media platform.

@DepecheNode: I know. There was probably a whole sub-commitee just to come up with the acronym.

I hope she goes on "The View" to talk about it.

That dude's trunks are made of "100% worsted wool."

@stacyinbean: If he's naked, I'm going to wait for it to come out on DVD so I can freeze-frame and frame-by-frame to my heart's content.

Burying a placenta seems like comfortingly normal behavior for Mel Gibson.

@stacyinbean: I have no idea, but the script should include at least one nude scene.

@stacyinbean: That really is saying a LOT. I feel like the Mail must have someone on the specious misogynist studies beat who does nothing but search for new surveys about women whose sample size consists of 6 guys in a pub in Liverpool.

@stacyinbean: Yes! Because it essentially means that you can't say no and/or you'll let anyone fuck you.

@Hana Maru: I am not sending you warm thoughts!

The "agreeable" article reminds me of the Southern saying that's used to accuse men of being too weak or acquiescent: "If you were a girl, you'd be pregnant all the time."

I dig the longer hair. The jacket, not so much.

@lambsy: She's an entitled asshole. As to the rest of your question...I feel the same way.