
Short version:

@DexterHaven: I think she needs to hang out with us to assure she stays that way.

@jumpingpiglet: Yes, and sometimes a child's crying or tantrums are caused by them being distressed by their environment.

This feminist would MUCH rather hang out with Maia's three year old than with her.

@Catladypants: My 80something grandparents always loved dogs, but when their Yorkie died a few years back, they didn't want to get another dog for exactly that reason. Walking it in the cold, the heat, on ice, after dark etc. was just too much for them. So they got their first cat. He's an adult, so he's chill, and

@BabyJane: Yeah, I'm sure the new wife was CRUSHED to see that. When she kept going on and on about how it might upset people I was like "You wish." It was fucking pathetic.

@WashingMyHair: Exactly. He gets himself away from that insaniac but leaves his young children behind?

I think another part of the reason older women gravitate towards cats rather than dogs is that cats benefit from a certain amount of benign neglect, unlike dogs. You don't have to walk a cat, and it's often fairly content if you disappear all day.

@katie.scarlett.o'hara: I thought she was out of line at that dinner—-because why say that shit in front of the kids—-but she redeemed herself later on when she told Henry the truth about Betty. She may not be nice, but I think she's got a pretty good understanding of the situation, and she doesn't feel the need to

@MindGrapes: Not mean. He raped her, so as far as I'm concerned, Charlie can't blow him to pieces soon enough.

@I, Zombie Normal: Yes, and we know how much of his identity was tied up in having the perfect surburban home with the most socially acceptable blonde trophy wife...

@I, Zombie Normal: I kept expecting her to bust out with "Praise His Holy Light!"

@rollsnideroll: I need to sound cute? And non-threatening?

Immature Gordon Gekko wannabe without Gekko's actual money, career or financial acumen.


Wait, can we go back to that scene so I can see Joan's red outfit again?

Oh yeah, sure, Betty, you're doing it for the kids. Puh-lease.