
@LauToThouPow: And you know he doesn't take his tea black, so being cheated of that lovely milky tea must be especially hard.

Fuck politeness. I like my misogyny right where I can see it.

@American as Apple Pie: She's rolling up Carla's sleeves, anyway. I don't think she's particularly hard-working on the homefront.

@BelleBreezing: Except that instead of being Don's trophy wife, she's going to be another guy's trophy wife. Not much in the way of reclamation or liberation, IMO.

Personally, I just don't find bodily secretions to be all that aesthetically pleasing (I feel the same about Serrano's "Piss Christ" too).

The Duchess of Windsor died in 1986, and had no children. I wonder who her estate is and who's benefitting from the sale of this jewelry?

@Moses Hightower: There seems to be no shortage of snark in other comments, I'm not sure why it's so out of place in this thread

@Moses Hightower: If you read the whole thread you'll see that Newt, the person I was speaking to understood what I meant and was able to have a conversation about it without trying to police my "random opinions." Not sure why you felt you had to butt in and tell me how you think I should talk or behave.

But will she keep him from winning???

@Moses Hightower: No one was asking me to sympathize with him. But despite that, I expressed an opinion totally unsolicited . Sorry if that blows your mind. Sometimes us women just say things without being prompted.

@stacyinbean: I think I went to a few alcohol, tobacco and firearms parties when I was in college in Virginia. The police nearly always showed up.

@NefariousNewt: Yeah, I don't know if it was "playing games" so much as "covering her ass." And when you're dating someone who's much richer, much more powerful and completely batshit insane, I think the usual rules go out the window. The playing field was never level to begin with.

@NefariousNewt: I still don't feel a lick of sympathy for him. He's vile and contemptible, and it's clear who the aggressor is in that relationship.

@sleepingwiththeenemy: Playing it real will sometimes cause friction with the boys in charge, but in my experience, playing it dumb just makes you look...dumb. And dumb rarely gets rewarded, in either gender.

@Pandorasvoicebox: I think it's because those men assume that women couldn't possibly be promoted for any reason other than their looks. Because, as everyone knows, women are dumber than men, and pretty women are the dumbest of all.

@sandie75: Yes, that was very much my experience too. Totally co-sign everything you said.

Awesome comments, ladies!

Yes, if a smart, ambitious woman gets promoted, clearly she MUST be fucking her boss.

Note to all trans- and cis-women everywhere: don't date Spencer Morgan's friend Ryan.

@femme-bot: Agreed. I don't think that the "housewife" title in the traditional context is something that women want to hang onto.