
If only Lindsey Lohan would take her up on it. At this point, if Satan offered to pay for her rehab and she agreed, it would only be a good thing. She won't live much longer at the rate she's going.

@NefariousNewt: Yeah, or he loves his son and might want to make it work for his sake. Plenty of folks go that route.

@rd2uk: That was military culture, though. Not to excuse it, but I don't think they even count those as slurs in the military—-they're completely oblivious.

I honestly don't care if he beat his girlfriend because he was drunk or manic depressive. He should go to jail for beating his girlfriend.

@LadyTudorRose: Yeah, I think Harry's time in military school gave him a certain love for Rommel, which is why he was wearing an Afrika Corps uniform. Stupid, ignorant and mindless,'s the royal family. And yes, it took them a while to come around to the anti-Nazi way of thinking. Only the Queen Mum was smart

Keep digging that hole, Chris!

@A Small Turnip: I didn't know Gibson was a Nazi sympathizer at the time! Harry, on the other hand...

@She Laughs: Doesn't matter. In vino veritas.

I was unaware that if a white person spent time in a black person's house—-with their kids!—-that meant there was no way they could be racist.

@A Small Turnip: At the UK branch of my office some of the young assistants had a shirtless picture of him tacked to a corkboard and swooned over it on a regular basis. Which kind of surprised me for exactly the reasons you mention. But when I was young I thought Mel Gibson was hot, so I shouldn't criticize.

Thanksgiving dinner at the Palins' is going to be real interesting this year.

@Black Rebel Telecomic Club: More like "white, but self-congratulatory for not feeling threatened by a black middle-aged billionaire."

@Rosebush: Exactly! Watching the Cup did more for my estrogen levels than all the artificial hormones I've taken in my whole life.

I think I got pregnant just watching that.

@small-fox: Which is undoubtedly why Rona Barrett has her hand all tucked up there.

@HelloKitty: The comment about "Ayn Randian crack" made me LOL.