
Anyone else wonder what Mel Gibson's good buddy Jodie Foster thinks about this? Aren't they filming a movie together this month?

"I'm going to get her out of that cell as much as I can. And Kate [Major] will be there, and we'll work to get her out of that cell as much as possible."

@lilydancing: Sexist hypocrisy is a self-renewing resource. Not unlike hot men.

@helen3: You must have a higher tolerance for public narcissism than me.

@SharonTaint: At the nork-fest! Of course, that's only because I'm just jealous my tits aren't so fabulous that I feel the need to blather about them to an audience of thousands.

@SharonTaint: I just rolled my eyes so hard they're stuck to the top of my skull.

@InspectahShrek: Might I suggest you try to see women as individuals. Attempting to understand and intellectualize half the world's population as a monolithic whole is a tall order.

Did I somehow wind up on the Daily Mail website?

@hfree: joining you.

This just melted my cold, black lesbian shitass heart.

@haguenite: True. But unlike the Germans, the Dutch had a strong grass-roots resistance movement that did save a lot of Jewish citizens.

I would like to apologize to Womanity for all those years when I thought Mel Gibson was hot.

@Narcoleptic Insomniac: I think you give her too much credit. Comedy has never been her shtick—-at least, not intentional comedy.

@bluebears: It would just make the rest of us jealous if she did.

@Narcoleptic Insomniac: All the sudden people are talking about hotness and insecurity and faux-feminism and feeling conflicted but they're not talking about Emily Gould!

@Kivrin: I don't think that feminism is more relevant to one sexual orientation than the other. Even if you don't have sex with men, that doesn't mean that those of us who do are excluded from feminism.

@KayKins: Sex with hot male athletes and feminism are not mutually exclusive.