
The Dutch win, hands down.

Is she really considered the First Lady, though? In Germany, the president is not the head of state, the Prime Minister is. The German presidency is mostly ceremonial, isn't it?

@OneBigPear: Sounds like it, especially if you are a rhino.

@Step aside, Son: I confess, I like to occasionally split infinitives.

A rhino horn is made of what? Some keratin? Some skin? She's basically eating the equivalent of ground-up fingernails and cuticles.

@Kivrin: I am glad that's not just between you and me .

Ending sentences with prepositions is common and accepted in written English.

@meaghan2k: ::eyeroll:: Time to graduate from high school, hon.

@BAngieB: Nah. Those of us who've been around here for awhile know that you like to bully and say nasty shit, then plead "sarcasm" after the fact. You're not fooling anyone.

Note to Rex:

Are we going to get guest posts about relative dress sizes and weight gain next week? Saving them until after the holiday, perhaps?

@coffeespoon: I think you're dead-on. Both teenage boys and teenage girls are being exposed very early to hardcore porn, which definitely glamorizes/eroticizes certain sexual behavior and notions of what's sexy. They don't have any real-life experience or alternate imagery to counteract the porn saturation so....lots

How about teaching guys that girls don't need to look or act like their favorite on-line wank material to be cool or attractive?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Mel's been hitting the bottle again.

@CurtCole: Then again, maybe I won't.