BeckySharper I wouldn't even bother to be sport-specific. When it comes to misogyny and sexual violence, male athletes and sport culture in general are extremely well-represented.

¡Que pelotas, nene!

Credit where it is due: The lady is 84 years old and works a full schedule. And she does it in hat, suit and gloves.

@BabyJane: I hope your purse matches your outfit better than hers, tho.

The day society gets this judge-y about 66 year old men having babies, then we'll have a discussion.

The vampire, which was not seen by anyone else, apparently let her get away.

Dammit. I should have put a towel down on my office chair before enlarging.

Thank you for creating such an amazing community. This site has changed my life. Even getting banned by you was an honor.

Meh. Whatevs.

@Underling: I thought so too. But he was fantastic anyway.

Of course Wendell Pierce went to a fancy wedding. We all know the Bunk is strictly a suit-and-tie motherfucker.

I had a great big bodyguard who used to carry me around like that when I was little. He was my dad.

If there was ever a night that Taylor could get away with the shirtless look, it was last night.

@Cairnevil: Her face is on way more money than anyone else.

Sonia Gandhi has been in the top 10 on this list for years, but was bumped? She's still the most powerful woman in the world's largest democracy.

@DutchessOfDork: Fernandez de Kirchner is nose-diving in popularity and locked in a battle royale with the news media. Still powerful, perhaps, but embattled.

@lovelyleela: True. There will always be neighbors who do this, and who just don't give a fuck about others. Those people suck.

@tinyalice: Heh, true. A certain amount of noise is a given in an apartment building. This is why I own earplugs.

@President Camacho: I don't think so. If the noise she makes is enough of a problem that multiple neighbors have complained about it, it doesn't matter that it's a perfectly natural act—-there's no reason she can't do it more quietly out of respect for others.