
Sadface :(

If this all happened the way she said, she's the victim of discrimination, straight up.

All movie reviews should read like this.

But Bill and Hillary are still together.

Dear Pastor Phelps:

@amber.m.whitney: Well, since most scientific studies are conducted by academics, they tend to pull their samples from the captive audience around them. When I see that a study was conducted with college students as the sample, I always take the results with a grain of salt, unless it was a study specifically about

Analogy FAIL.

@sybann: Or his wife. She doesn't seem like the "stay in the kitchen" type.

@sybann: I agree that it's improving. Definitely. Which is why I find this so surprising!

@sybann: I said to another commenter that it's really odd to me that this tired old "women in the kitchen" trope is coming from a crunchy, sensitive, liberal Park Slope daddy like JS Foer. Usually that type prides themselves on their egalitarianism, at least in public.

@jasminetea: Unfortunately the only thing to replace it with is "blame the men." And we know that'll never happen.

@emfish55: Agreed. You'd think being a crunchy, sensitive Park Slope daddy, he'd have evolved past the "women in the kitchen" shit.

@sartastic: I did! I think the problem was that I had never really done yoga before and didn't know WTF I was doing, and my friend had been practicing for years, so she was less likely to screw it up and injure herself.


@I Call LOGIC FAIL!: I think you need to sacrifice a lamb (or is it a goat?) and dab the blood on your doorpost, thus ensuring the Angel of Death passes by.

I need to go purify myself in Lake Minnetonka after hearing that.

@quatrevingtquatre: I know, right? Those girls are counting the minutes until they're 18 and can get the fuck out of that house.

@denapsu: I'm afraid it's too late. I'm already hating them for that just based on the previews.