
@bluebears: But he left her for an Ethiopian hey! He's an anti-Semite, but at least he's not racist!

@Tchotchke: I have hearted you. I'd do it twice if I could.

@PilgrimSoul: We need something to keep us off the streets on Thursday nights.

@bluebears: I KNOW! I was like...b/c the Count hates Jews?

@miss.helen.sears: This one too. Jill seriously needs a refresher course in High Holidays 101. Also, Advanced Atonement.

You mean because everyone's white and related to one another?

@elembee: Hope it works out! Or that the other two stay single....

I truly don't understand why a smaller population—i.e. fewer dating choices—would be a positive thing. It defies logic. Unless you belong to the Lori Gottlieb "choose someone you don't really care about and settle" school of thought.

I wonder if the results would be different with US students?

Much respect for the lack of Botox. (and for the cleavage)

I really liked the description of the difference between Orthodox Judaism vs. Ultra-Orthodox Judaism: Orthodox means you don't want to see a woman in a bathing suit. Ultra-Orthodox means you want to close down the beach.

@greeneyedfem: Yes, it's really that loophole-y. Without getting into a major Talmudic discourse, the truth is that Jewish customs are much more flexible than they may seem, and it's possible to argue some loopholes in and out. Jewish law (i.e. the halakha) is much less porous, but things like head coverings aren't

I heart Gail for many reasons, not the least of which is that she routinely hands David Brooks's ass to him when he Mansplains some chauvinist bullshit in their weekly face-offs.

@Hortense: Hooray! I knew someone would post this!

@marks-alot: I would love to see Joe Biden in some jewel tones. And maybe a kicky pleated skirt or two.

Note to Kate Betts: Even when you come right out and acknowledge that you're perpetuating a sexist double standard, that doesn't make it okay for you to then perpetuate the fuck out of the sexist double standard.

J Crew has a magazine?