
I'm distracted by how extremely thin her calves and ankles are.

@funchefchick: Okay, my parents live in Seattle and I will grant you that y'all have some decent food. But Chesapeake Bay blue crab kicks Dungeness's stringy, bland ass any day! And New Orleans coffee with chicory puts Starbucks to shame.

I sometimes feel like one of the main goals of the internet/gaming world is to ensure that men never have to interact IRL with women.

@bangers: All the best food is below the Mason-Dixon. Truth.

I voted for pecan pie because I HATE AMERICA.*

@pear.shaped.Sara: Apple pie is just so...bland compared to the glorious medley of flavors and textures in a good pecan pie.

I live around the corner from the Prospect Park you think they let thirtysomething kids play with Herbie?

@tailfeather: Word. The fact that he married Sandy—who was on the cheerleading team with my big sister—made me think that he was a scruffy, rough-edged dude with a heart of gold. Which is HAWT.

The problem with James wasn't the "types of women" he hung around with — it was the fact that he was fucking them

@SlayBelle: Yeah, it was really sad. I mean, I was in a part of India that was primarily Hindu, so you couldn't kill animals or eat them without social stigma, but that definitely did not equal healthy happy animals.

Aw—great pic!


:::as Beavis:::

@OneBigPear: So i take it you're voting French silk in the pie bracket?

Does French Silk pie have its own video by Warrant? 'Nuff said.

@NefariousNewt: Black Forest does not have cream cheese frosting.

@DuckyChan: It would taste DELICIOUS! It's good in margaritas, Tom Collinses, G&Ts or anything that calls for lemon or lime juice.