
@DuckyChan: Key limes are actually yellow like lemons when they're ripe (they're a different species from the green Persian limes you put in your gin & tonic). Real Key lime pie is actually a light yellow colored-curd, almost like a lemon bar, but lighter and more opaque. So if it's green, it's been food-colored,

@suzanne77: Lucky you! I have a source in Florida who sends me the limes every year!

Key Lime rules. But only if it's REAL Key Lime. None of that fake green-dyed lemony crap, plz.

@LazyHippo: I LOVE IT! I honor him with my twinset!

Anyone else think she should lose the cardigan?

@kkatt: I know I always think of Business Time when I see the President...

@meritxell: an erotic life: I always like how the haters use fascism and communism interchangeably. Because historically, they've ALWAYS gone so well together!

@Rooo sez BISH PLZ: Correct spelling is only for the edumacated. And edumacation leads to socialism!

@Uhuh.: Yes, it's amazing how the majority of self-described "real Americans" have never actually seen what life outside the US is like, nor ever visited a socialist or communist country. They might view things very differently if they actually had a frame of reference.

@mjaylee: Guess what? I am the average hard-working American. And I believe that my fellow wage-slaves and I deserve affordable health care.

@gracie1117: Wedding cake is a crock. I've never eaten good wedding cake, even when it cost thousands of dollars. You could have a mountain of delicious, whipped-cream slathered pineapple-upside down cake for what a single slice of wedding cake costs.

@A Small Turnip: German chocolate cake is the greatest cake EVER.


I am really going to enjoy the "Alexis Goes To Prison" episode.

@ivanturgenev: You mean a well-groomed, wealthy white man in a tux might have exploited exactly the same privilege? Shocking.

Boo fucking hoo, you pervert.