
@Penny: I mean, come the fuck on, lady...if you MUST take your pants off and make sexyface for the camera, do it on your OWN bed!

Is that her daughter's bed? Gross.

@femme-bot: She is a shining example to us all.

@psychokitty: Right, they usually show them joking about the ol' ball and chain, and how they never get any, and how they're henpecked, etc. It would be a lot more interesting to overturn that stereotype, since it's the dominant one in our culture.

@femme-bot: He is the king of you, and you should be GRATEFUL to him for that.

@marciax3: Since when does confronting injustice constitute whining? It's not "whining" to protest sexism and try to change it.

I'd rather see happy wives AND husbands. Otherwise this just reinforces the chauvinist stereotype that women should be happy just to be married.

@marciax3: Wow, you are so NOT GETTING IT.

Let's talk when you're 55, mmkay?

Aw...belleh! I'd bury my face in it but shelties tend to nip...

@clairedeloony: Me too! The checkbook, I mean. My mom had me open a bank account when I was in 8th grade (it was a custodial one that she owned jointly but I handled all the withdrawals and deposits). It was a very valuable experience for me—demystified the banking process and taught me about how to save and budget.

I am from an upper-middle class white family. Both my parents have graduate degrees and have own their own homes—respectively, since they've been divorced for 30 years—for nearly all of their adult lives. Both parents grew up in financially unstable families, and as a result, they became extremely careful with their

@Dagnabbit wonders where her avatar went: I will be heartbroken if Anthony gets auf'd because his commentary is the best thing on this season so far! (and yeah, it's SO MUCH better than last season).

@PilgrimSoul: I think it's that you and your friends became friends organically, whereas these women (except for Jill and Ramona) didn't know each other before they were cast on the show.

I have been on the pill for almost 16 years, so this makes me extremely happy. (It also jibes with what my ob-gyns have been telling me all along—that there are not only very low risks, but also significant net benefits to my health).

@DonnaPirana: If they won't use a condom, chances are they won't take a pill.

@bluebears: I can't believe you then ran 3 miles! Respect!