
@bluebears: That exact same thing happened to one of my not-boyfriends! He's 6'3", very athletic but stepped on the treadmill without realizing it was running and went flying. I only found out about it when he took off his pants that night and he had scabs ALL over his knees and up and down his calves. He was so

I agree with calling bullshit on the anorexia label by pointing out, rightly, that you don't die from lack of sex.

@Penny: I've never understood walking and not going anywhere. While watching TV.

Ugh, Sadie, I'm sorry. That sucks. I do agree with sydbarrett's recommendation of the Y. I always liked the Y because it was most definitely NOT a cruise-y kind of place where you felt like shit for not having the right workout clothes or not wearing full makeup while running on the treadmill.

Wow. Those stats are Thanks, Latoya. I'm really looking foward to reading your analysis.

@SlayBelle: That just made me LOL! And I think she's totally right!

@bluebears: Yes, her "I'm sure my not standing up to him didn't help the kids." is truly one of the most infuriating understatments in history.

Since Taylor Lautner's abs were the only redeeming feature of "New Moon", I'm afraid I won't be seeing "Eclipse" unless I'm guaranteed some hot wolf-boy muscles.

Generally speaking, I don't believe in hell, either as a place or a theological concept.

A rape is a rape is a rape.

@megnificent: Totally. It was so "OMG, Gerard, the fat chick wants to fuck you! HUR HUR HUR."

Gerard comes off great. Gabby comes off like a girl I seriously want to be friends with.

@Rare Affinity: You're right in terms of the numbers....women will probably continue to outlive men, so hetero women will have fewer potential partners. But the mentality of "only men initiate sex" and "sex is only PIV" and "most women don't actually like/want/expect sex" will not be prevalent in our generation the

I think the generational issue here is huge. Women—and men!—in their 70s and 80s have an entirely different outlook on sex and sexuality than people now in their 20s and 30s. The situation will be radically different in 50 years.

Men do fake orgasm too...just a lot less convincingly. I've had it happen with two different guys, but I let them get away with it, because...really...why confront over something like that?

@Tchotchke: Brava! Also...totally hear you on the "Bourdain is on in five minutes."

@NefariousNewt: Yeah, that's pretty much why I don't bother faking it.