
Ideally it could remove the visible bubblegum from her mouth.

I can't imagine my childhood without school photos. I'm 34 but I remember what each one looks like. If they didn't exist, I'm not sure that I'd remember how I looked at 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc.

@labeled: CRAZY AUNT KANYE: True. But basically, if you removed the Patriarchy, I wouldn't be scared of much except my mom dying and rats attacking me as I sleep.

@CurtCole: That's because all generalizations suck.

My mother dying.

@NefariousNewt: Exactly. He didn't seem to understand it could come to that.

@NefariousNewt: Yeah, that would seem like the appropriate response to me. But I know men who seem to think having female supervisors or workers come on to them is maybe a little squicky, but no big deal. I think that being men, they're less conditioned to see themselves as potential victims or feel violated, since

I work in a female dominated industry and so does my now-ex. On more than one occasion he was propositioned by women in power (one even grabbed him and slipped him the tongue when he went to give her a social cheek-kiss). My ex was uncomfortable but seemed more amused than anything, whereas if a male supervisor had

Great dancing! Creepy, rape-y subtext!

@Kitty Conner: I immediately thought "Holy shit, she shot Grover and made a coat!"

Shit. Now I'm jonesing for pie AND cake. And it's at least 3 hours until lunch time.

@shantidevi: Yes. A good brow lift shouldn't give you that O RLY? look. But there are a lot of bad ones out there, and they're super-obvious.


Serve free booze? Check.

Easy Reader! Hooray!

@wordinedgewise: Oh, I'm sure he went home and cussed out his wife afterwards.

@yvanehtnioj: Well, we know the GOP is automatically suspicious of, y'know, printed words. Like they teach in your fancy Ivy League schools or like you make a whole bunch of money writing before you become president. It's so elitist!