
@squeakel: Heh. Me too. Although I don't think those letters register very high on the Smut-o-Meter.

I'm sorry, but all I could think was "these ladies survived serious heart disease so they could walk around in a Campbell's soup label?" WTF??

That looks like the first home computer I ever had—an Apple IIGS.

@bluebears: Exactly! I have no patience for women who pretend they're being all bold and independent by....doing exactly what the Patriarchy's been telling us to do for millennia.

This argument feels like one of those moments where counterintuitive logic comes full circle to just plain retrogressiveness.

Maybe she should just...go to school? And not be repping anyone's line of anything?

@CurtCole: Also, he was a total animal hoarder.

@morninggloria: I was at a black-tie dinner once where he was the host. I just sat there the whole time, drooling and starry-eyed. It was a professional function and I was so embarrassed. But I. Couldn't. Help. It.

@BAngieB: I was hoping you'd get out the ruler and give me a little whap with it when you called me that!

@BAngieB: Patronizing! It's not just for dudes anymore!

No sex? Apparently even the NY Post has journalistic standards. Shocking.

@BAngieB: Hello? That's the whole point—he didn't win that Senate seat because of racist ads. That's the election we were talking from the beginning—we weren't talking about his running for the House, so when you came in and said, "that's funny, because his district was largely black" your comment made absolutely

@BAngieB: Might want to learn how about districting for the next election, tho'. Last time I checked, the "district" of Tennessee was not largely black.

Harold, I'm sorry you got jacked by some racists when you ran in TN, but you are so not getting my vote in a NY Democratic primary.

You mean Hollywood's beauty standard hasn't changed? Shocking.

@bluebears: And the neighbors always drop by to chat!